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WEb 2.0 Project

This Assignment required us to feature a Web 2.0 tool that we have found useful and to display a product of our own that we have made using the featured tool.

This tool allows the user to created educational technology activities using over 15 different learning mediums, including crossword puzzles, matching games, and video quizzes.  The activities you create can then be shared publicly online.

My product:

The medium I chose to display is the video quiz.  You connect a video posted on Youtube or another video hosting site.  Then, the app allows you to cut and splice the video into segments and add a question to each segment that the learner will be asked after the connected segment has played.  The learner can view the segment multiple times before answering but must answer the question before viewing the next segment.

The video I used is one that I created in 2016 on metabolism for a Sports Nutrition course in which I was a Teaching Assistant.

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